System Forms:

         Create a New Webring

Name of the Webring:
Web Address of the Webring:
Theme, Topic, or Interest of the Webring:
(Category in a webring directory under which your website would be listed)
Description of the Webring: (Maximum of 600 characters)
Keywords of the Webring:
Webring's Password:
ID of the Webring: (Letters and/or Numbers)
Name of the Ringmaster:
The Ringmaster's E-Mail Address:
The Ringmaster's Signature:
Allow websites to join Webring's Language:
Allow websites to list 2 urls
(Home page, and where Navpanel is placed)


         Join System Forms:

[ringmasteremail] [ringmastersignature]
[webmasteremail] [webmastersignature]
Join System Mail:


Join System Page:


         System Message Templates:

Ringmaster's Task List:


Ring's Terms of Service: